Ôîðóì » » Ïñèõîòðîííîå îðóæèå/ Psychotronic Weapons:óãðîçà âñåì ëþäÿì! » Îòâåòèòü

Ïñèõîòðîííîå îðóæèå/ Psychotronic Weapons:óãðîçà âñåì ëþäÿì!

Ñâèäåòåëü: Ïñèõîòðîííîå îðóæèå/ Psychotronic Weapons:óãðîçà âñåì ëþäÿì! STOP BIO-PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TORTURE!!! Óâàæàåìûå Ãîñïîäà! Ïîñìîòðèòå…: “… òåíè, èëëþçèè, visions, disorientation, ïàíèêà, ðàñòåðÿííîñòè, äåïðåññèè …” : “20 September 2006”: “ Michael Hopkin “: “ Brain electrodes conjure up ghostly visions “: “Simple stimulation may underpin complex mental illusions.”: “So the results suggest that this type of illusion, despite being an apparently complex psychiatric symptom, can be caused by a very simple switch in the brain. “: http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060918/pf/060918-4_pf.html http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060918/full/060918-4.html --- ---- “4.0 Electronarcosis and Signals Interception”: “A victim will experience disorientation, vertigo, and nausea. “: http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/userletter/?letter_id=247130666 --- --- “Ñêàæåì, âûçâàòü ïàíèêó, ðàñòåðÿííîñòü, ãëóáîêóþ äåïðåññèþ.”: http://www.aif.ru/oldsite/1025/15.php3 Ñ óâàæåíèåì.

Îòâåòîâ - 48, ñòð: 1 2 3 4 5 All

Ñâèäåòåëü: http://babelfish.altavista.com/

Ñâèäåòåëü: http://www.translate.ru/text.asp?lang=ru http://babelfish.altavista.com/ http://www.freetranslation.com/ http://translation.langenberg.com/ http://translation.paralink.com/

Ñâèäåòåëü: STOP BIO-PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TORTURE BRAINMIND CONTROL SLAVERY ASSASSINATION!!! Óâàæàåìûå äàìû è ãîñïîäà! Ïîñìîòðèòå…: AI Index: AMR 51/145/2004 27 October 2004 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Human dignity denied Torture and accountability in the ‘war on terror’ ~~ A report based on Amnesty International’s 12-point Program for the Prevention of Torture by Agents of the State “…The struggle against torture and ill-treatment by agents of the state requires absolute commitment and constant vigilance. It requires stringent adherence to safeguards. It demands a policy of zero tolerance. …” “The right to be treated with humanity Respect for human dignity and freedom from discrimination are at the heart of international human rights and humanitarian law. For example, the "fundamental guarantees" of Article 75 of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions, recognized by the USA as reflecting customary international law, prohibit torture, indecent assault, and humiliating or degrading treatment of any kind, discrimination of any kind, including on the basis of colour, race, nationality and religion.(176) Article 75 expressly applies to military or civilian agents. Article 10.1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) stipulates that "all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person". According to the Human Rights Committee, this requirement is "a fundamental and universally applicable rule" and "a norm of general international law not subject to derogation" …” “Torture and ill-treatment as international crimes Both torture and other forms of ill-treatment that are prohibited at all times and in all circumstances, such as "inhuman treatment" "cruel treatment" and "wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health," are "grave breaches" of the Geneva Conventions, that is, universally punishable crimes.(194) Similarly, they have been deemed war crimes and crimes against humanity under all ad hoc international criminal tribunals established so far. None of these tribunals has, to date, accepted any justifications for torture or other ill-treatment in any circumstances or found that torturing or otherwise ill-treating certain persons is not a crime. Torture and other ill-treatment are also war crimes and crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.(195) …”: “Point 1 – Condemn torture The highest authorities of every country should demonstrate their total opposition to torture. They should condemn torture unreservedly whenever it occurs. They should make clear to all members of the police, military and other security forces that torture will never be tolerated. …” “Point 5 – Prohibit torture in law Governments should adopt laws for the prohibition and prevention of torture incorporating the main elements of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention against Torture) and other relevant international standards. All judicial and administrative corporal punishments should be abolished. The prohibition of torture and the essential safeguards for its prevention must not be suspended under any circumstances, including states of war or other public emergency. …“ “Point 7 – Prosecute Those responsible for torture must be brought to justice. This principle should apply wherever alleged torturers happen to be, whatever their nationality or position, regardless of where the crime was committed and the nationality of the victims, and no matter how much time has elapsed since the commission of the crime. Governments must exercise universal jurisdiction over alleged torturers or extradite them, and cooperate with each other in such criminal proceedings. Trials must be fair. An order from a superior officer must never be accepted as a justification for torture. …” “Point 10 – Provide reparation Victims of torture and their dependants should be entitled to obtain prompt reparation from the state including restitution, fair and adequate financial compensation and appropriate medical care and rehabilitation. …”: http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engamr511452004 --- --- 2007-01-26: “About Torture”: http://asiapacific.amnesty.org/apro/aproweb.nsf/pages/knowTorture --- --- EUROPA: “Crime victims' rights”: http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l33091.htm --- --- “American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA”: “By Michele Moore September 27, 2005”: “Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?”: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=2614 http://web.archive.org/web/20051210065550/http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=2614 --- --- “Internet Archive Wayback Machine”: http://web.archive.org/collections/web.html Ñ óâàæåíèåì.

Ñâèäåòåëü: STOP BIO-PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TORTURE BRAINMIND CONTROL SLAVERY ASSASSINATION!!! Óâàæàåìûå äàìû è ãîñïîäà! Ïîñìîòðèòå…: bioEFFECT: SILENT HOLOCAUST “The Methods of Extermination”: “Medical Experimentation”: “…injection to the heart …”: “Dr. Josef Mengele”: “…blood samples were collected …” “…the SS man who tried to force her to her assigned line …” “Dr. Clauberg”: “…He had experimented with different substances, but was very secretive about the exact nature of the one he used, …”: “Dr. Horst Schumann”: “…Among the medical experiments carried out on Block 10 was one involving the sterilization of unknowing prisoners by x-rays. …” “…completely ignorant of what was to be done to them. …” “…Schumann himself turned on the machine, which hummed loudly. …” “…"substantial burns" …including fever and severe pain and vomiting. …” “…The experiment was that they were destroying our organs...We would cry together about this" …”: … http://www.geocities.com/onemansmind/hr/methods/Med.html --- --- Quote: “Thirty-four companies-many of them still Household names today, like Krupp, AEG Telefunken, Siemens, Bayer, and IG Farben – made fortunes from the tortured labor of Jews, Russians, Poles, soms Allied prisoners of war, and German prisoners of conscience.”: Gerald L. Posner and John Ware, Mengele: The Complete Story, Cooper Square Press, 2000, p.21. http://www.amazon.com/Mengele-Complete-Gerald-L-Posner/dp/0070505985 http://www.amazon.com/Mengele-Complete-Story-Gerald-Posner/dp/0815410069/sr=1-3/qid=1170354506/ref=sr_1_3/104-6348022-3060701?ie=UTF8&s=books --- --- “Ravensbrück …”: http://www.gramschap.nl/rbweb/rbxsiemens.jpg http://www.gramschap.nl/rbweb/rbverd3.html --- --- UN: Secretary-General SG/SM/10860 OBV/606 “Remembrance plays vital role in efforts to stem tide of human cruelty, says Secretary-General in message for day in memory of holocaust victims”: “…The International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust is thus a Day on which we must reassert our commitment to human rights. That cause was brutally desecrated at Auschwitz, and by genocides and atrocities since. We must apply the lessons of the Holocaust to today’s world. I am strongly committed to that mission. …”: http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2007/sgsm10860.doc.htm --- --- “American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA”: “By Michele Moore September 27, 2005”: “Who Is Protecting Our Psychotronic Weapons?”: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=2614 http://web.archive.org/web/20051210065550/http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=2614 Ñ óâàæåíèåì.

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Slava: ekadesha rudra ïèøåò: Ñëàâà, âñå ëîæè ïîäêîíòðîëüíû áíàóé áðèòòàì à êòî ýòî?

äÿäÿ Ðîâíûé: Áíàé Áðèò - ñûíû Çàâåòà êàêàÿ òî ñóïåðñåêðåòíàÿ ñèîíèñòñêàÿ îðãàíèçàöèÿ. Âðîäå ëåâèòû. Èì åùå ïðèïèñûâàþò ðåâîëþöèþ â Ðîñèè.

Ñâèäåòåëü: STOP BIO-PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TORTURE BRAINMIND CONTROLANNIHILATION SLAVERY ASSASSINATION!!! Óâàæàåìûå äàìû è ãîñïîäà! Ïîñìîòðèòå…: February 14, 2006 09:44 AM David Hambling: “MOSCOW'S REMOTE-CONTROLLED HEART ATTACKS”: http://www.defensetech.org/archives/002169.html --- --- February 13, 2006 12:14 AM David Hambling: “AIR FORCE PLAN: HACK YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM”: http://www.defensetech.org/archives/002152.html Ñ óâàæåíèåì.

Ñâèäåòåëü: STOP BIO-PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS TORTURE BRAINMIND/BODY CONTROLANNIHILATION SLAVERY ASSASSINATION!!! Óâàæàåìûå äàìû è ãîñïîäà! Ïîñìîòðèòå…: Natalja Polovko : "Cåêðåòíîå ïðèìåíåíèå áèîýëåêòðîìàãíèòíîãî îðóæèÿ ïðîòèâ ãðàæäàíñêîãî íàñåëåíèÿ": http://www.natalyapolovko.narod.ru/ --- “Remote bioelectromagnetic influence on the person”: http://natalyapolovko.narod.ru/0020.html --- --- “Oneway4you - Íåçàâèñèìûå íîâîñòè”: www.novosti.oneway4you.com 2 ôåâðàëÿ 2007 “Òàéíà ïñèõîòðîííîãî îðóæèÿ “: http://www.novosti.oneway4you.com/2007/02/02/psixotronnyi-terror.html --- --- “Psyterror Òðåòüÿ ìèðîâàÿ âîéíà íàçûâàåòñÿ ïñèõîòðîííîé ×åòâåðã, 31 Ôåâðàëÿ 2007 ã. 21:18 (ññûëêà)”: http://blog.moi-druzja.ru/tags/%E1%EE%E8%ED%E3/ --- “Psyterror Òðåòüÿ ìèðîâàÿ âîéíà íàçûâàåòñÿ ïñèõîòðîííîé ×åòâåðã, 01 Ôåâðàëÿ 2007 ã. 00:18 (ññûëêà)”: Äîáàâèòü êîììåíòàðèé: http://blog.kp.ru/users/psyterror/post30006543/ ---- ----- ----- Civil EFFECTS: TORTURE … ASSASSINATION : “What are the symptoms?”: http://www.eharassment.ca/index.htm --- --- “List of mind control symptoms, whether the related technology is scientifically proven and if there is military interest or funding of the related technology by Cheryl Welsh, March, 2003”: http://mindjustice.org/symptoms.htm --- --- “What do victims experience?”: http://www.c-a-t-c-h.ca/ “ Technological harassment can include: “: http://www.c-a-t-c-h.ca/ --- --- “How it affects (Physical & psycho-physical damages): “: http://www.angelfire.com/pro2/dchakrab/cherkova_sum.htm --- --- “ALPHABETICAL Index to Articles”: … “Symptom list, body image format”: http://www.raven1.net/ravindex.htm --- --- “Psycho-Electronic Weapon (Mind Control Weapon)Effects”: http://soleilmavis.googlepages.com/wehelpvictim --- --- “Effecten van Psychotronica _ Effects of Psychotronics”: http://www.volkskrantblog.nl/bericht/90275 “Violation of Humanrights with Psychotronics or Bioelectronics Most common ELF effects”: http://www.volkskrantblog.nl/bericht/90275 “Symptoms of Electromagnetic Torture: “: http://www.volkskrantblog.nl/bericht/99259 --- --- --- --- “Microwave Bioeffect Congruence With Schizophrenia”: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/2941540/ “MICROWAVE BIOEFFECT CONGRUENCE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA John J. McMurtrey”: http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/microwave_congruence_schizophrenia.pdf --- --- Carole Smith: “On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology”: http://www.raven1.net/newcriteria.html http://www.btinternet.com/~psycho_social/Vol3/JPSS-CS2.html http://www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl/NewCrit-JPSS-CS2.htm --- --- “Mr. Williams 2004-09-23 On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis... “: http://www.pahealthsystems.com/archive240-2004-9-109312.html --- --- John J. McMurtrey”: “MICROWAVE BIOEFFECT CONGRUENCE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA”: http://www.buergerwelle.de/body_science.html http://whale.to/b/mcmurtrey.html http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200304/jtselect/jtment/1127/1127se15.htm … --- --- --- Quote: “Electronic Assassination By Michele Moore November 23, 2005 “: Quote:”...A beam of the right electro magnetic energy aimed directly at your skull kills cleanly, secretly, silently and without a trace. ... ...A sense of malaise and then a sudden, stabbing headache may be the last things you remember. ... ...Your bones will ache and your skin will itch, your face will wither and your eyes sink, swollen and blood shot. …”: http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=3810 ... Ñ óâàæåíèåì.

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